Better Business Technology

Personalised care for the aged boosted by computer comms

By Leon Gettler >>

A COMPUTERISED care plan is improving quality of life for aged and dementia care residents.

Person Centred Software is used exclusively in aged care facilities. Traditionally, nursing staff members would be delivering care and at the end of their shift, they would sit down at a computer and evidence their care.

Person Centred Care changes that through technology, with a care app for carers to evidence their care at the point of delivery. There is also a Care Monitor for managers monitoring care in real time. This creates data driven decision and better care for the residents and their families.

The company also has another piece of technology called the Relatives Gateway, allowing family members to log in and be part of that care. They can send video links and sign off on care plans. 

This is all done with the approval of the resident and what they want their family member to see. 

“Traditionally we see the eldest daughter is the care taker of mum or dad living in aged care so if the resident wants that daughter to see an activity summary and perhaps a hygiene chart, they can actually have access to see that,” Person Centred Software CEO, Tammy Sherwood told Talking Business.


The app was adjusted with COVID-19. As the country went into lockdown, Person Centred Software went to its customers and asked what they wanted. It introduced a coronavirus slider to evidence symptoms of the disease very quickly.

It was also able to do contact tracing to see which carer had been in contact with the resident. Family members wanted to stay in contact, so a new feature was put into the Relatives Gateway allowing residents to video conference with up to 25 members of their family.

The service also gauges the resident’s happiness level via a ‘happiness indicator’.

“So the family member can see that mum is happier in the afternoon, not so happy in the morning,” Ms Sherwood said. “Maybe I’ll increase my visits in the morning to encourage her to do more activities.”


Ms Sherwood has been working in the aged care industry for a considerable time. She first saw Person Centred Software four years ago when she was on a study tour of the UK. She was fascinated by it when she saw it in operation at a facility in Battersea Place in London.

Sometime later, she was introduced to the co-founder of Person Centred Software who was visiting Brisbane for 36 hours.  She was introduced to him and he asked her to re-sell his product.

She said the technology gave residents a better quality of care. It allowed them to plan for residents’ needs: what time they wanted to get up, when they wanted to have a wash, what staff members they wanted to work with them.

“If we’ve got a resident that was a car collector, we can match them up with carers that have interests in cars,” Ms Sherwood said.

“Because they’re not documenting all of this care at the end of their shifts, carers get all this extra time to spend with the residents, talking to them and doing thigs they want to do with them.”


Ms Sherwood said the company conducted a case study last year with Southern Cross Care in South Australia, the firm’s largest client, with the help of Flinders University to examine the data.

The case study found a reduction in critical incidents, better outcomes for residents and staff had an hour extra every day with residents, through the use of Person Centred Software systems.

Person Centred Software operates in 75 aged care facilities after just two years of operation. It has just gone live with a dementia specific facility in Tasmania.

The company has a strategy of integrating with subject matter specialists like, for example, specialists in pain assessment, or medication management providers.

It develops its road map by listening to customers, their families and the carers.

Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at   


Buildkite helps tech developers fly higher, faster

By Leon Gettler >>

MORE BUSINESSES are now going online, to overcome COVID-19 affected markets, and the demand for software has increased. Companies now want their software done quicker than ever.

Enter Buildkite, the Melbourne-based software firm that gives developers the tools they need to keep up with demand for software built with speed, scalability and security. Buildkite helps software companies build software, test it and release it.

Buildkite CEO Lachlan Donald said as software has become more complicated over time, the craft of assembling it has become more complicated.

Back in the 1980s and 90s, the release cadences were every 12 months – or even two years. As the world has moved online, software delivery has moved to the real-time end of the spectrum. 


Buildkite works in a space known as ‘continuous delivery’ and it builds tools to help some of the best software development teams in the world ship software faster.

Mr Donald said continuous delivery is one of the most critical factors for successful businesses today and Buildkite, which grew out of the high growth tech companies in Melbourne, delivers its goods with parallel testing.

He said software companies build complex software with millions of lines of source code and changes happening every five minutes. This is done with test suites.

For smaller companies, it’s very quick, say about 30 seconds. But the larger companies like Shopify and 99 Designs, the test suites would take an hour or two to run.

“Continuous deliver tools like Buildkite take those test suites, carve them up into small pieces, and run them over the cloud,” Mr Donald told Talking Business.

“If you take Shopify as an example. They joined us when they were 300 engineers. Their tests were taking 40 minutes and their mandate was to get it under five minutes. They used Buildkite after breaking all our competitors’ previous tools – we got it down to five minutes.”

This was done using parallel testing. Buildkite has grown with the Shopify firm, which now has 2500 engineers and is driving the state of global e-commerce.

Mr Donald said continuous delivery was one of the key differentiators for Buildkite.


Another differentiator is that Buildkite offers the only continuous delivery tools for mobile and web development teams.

“We provide the one tool that unifies all the engineers across the process,” Mr Donald said.

He said Buildkite runs a hybrid delivery model that is both on-premises with good security, and in the cloud where the source code is handed off.

“We’re a hybrid architecture where we give you what we call an agent, which you can run on your servers or your cloud, your infrastructure, so that runs the heavy lifting of the tests without Buildkite getting access to the source code. But then we have a SaaS (software-as-a-service) side of the business, the interface that developers interact with, all the external integrations, and Buildkite runs that,” he said.

“That architectural separation, turns out to be magical. It’s exactly the right compromise between those two worlds. You get strong security but you also get unlimited scaling and all the other niceties that cloud computing brings.” 

Mr Donald said this has been run on so many different platforms.

One of its customers, Cruise, the self-driving car company headquartered in San Francisco, runs the agent on their cars to test the software before it’s deployed there.

“With the emergence of next-gen tech, like IoT, and other things like AI, Buildkite provides that hybrid architecture and provides interesting ways to do new things,” Mr Donald said.

Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at




It’s Safeter: use this app post-COVID

By Leon Gettler >>

THE BIG CHALLENGE for businesses now is bringing all employees back to work safely. It’s a huge challenge for businesses, particularly the larger ones with lots of employees.

San Francisco-based entrepreneur Amar Goel has come up with the perfect solution for business: an app called Safeter which ensures that employees are staying safe and keeping their colleagues safe.

The first offering from the app is to allow employees do a symptom check on their mobile app. 

So before coming into the office, they would fill in a survey recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO). They just have to answer some simple questions which would take a few seconds. Do they have any symptoms of coronavirus? Have they been travelling anywhere that has had significant cases?

The other thing that app handles is employee scheduling, allowing employers to determine who exactly is coming into work on any given day. That can also include cohort scheduling or group scheduling where, for example, a workforce of say 100 employees is broken up into five groups of 20 that can come in on scheduled days.

It also allows them to space out the number of employees allowed to use the elevator at any one time. The Safeter app allows for symptom checks for visitors.


The relationship between Safeter and Google and Apple is complicated. Apple and Google are currently limiting the apps in their stores that can enable contact tracing.

While Safeter has contact tracing capabilities, which are valuable for employers, Google and Apple asked for it to be removed. 

“I understand their concerns for sure,” Mr Goel told Talking Business. “They have privacy concerns and they want to make sure things are done well and people’s privacy is not exposed.

“But at the same time, there are a lot of employment issues around people’s health and employers need the tools to be able to manage their workplace.”

And in the future, there will be more employees saying they want to work from home two days out of three. The Safeter app will manage that for employees and companies.

“We’re helping when the person wants to come into the office. When someone wants to transition back into the office, let’s say, two days a week, how do we make sure we have enough social distancing and we don’t have overcrowding?” he said.

“I do think a lot of people will have a hybrid model going forward,”


Mr Goel said the app would be particularly helpful for companies dealing with liability in the post-COVID era.

“It’s important for companies to make sure they are (seen as) doing the right thing and helping their employees be safe, but then also, there’s some value in recording that from a compliance standpoint,” he said.

“There is a compliance and liability standpoint that employers want to manage.”

It would also be critical now for companies in which the human resources (HR) manager is now becoming the company’s health officer.

Mr Goel said the app takes the burden off HR managers and helps the safety teams that so many companies have set up.

Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at  


Short-term COVID-19 cloud fixes may pose long-term headaches for universities

By Lee Thompson >>

AS AUSTRALIAN educational institutions rushed to adjust to the new norm of virtual classrooms, remote collaboration, and an absence of international students, cloud-based solutions have helped keep things together and a core service operating.

But could these short-term cloud fixes have long-term consequences?

In the space of a few weeks, educational institutions deployed ‘off-the-shelf’ cloud-based solutions such as virtual desktops and collaboration software – many provided free of charge by technology giants – to reshape the curriculum, provide a viable online learning experience for students, and help shield the industry from the impact of COVID-19. 

However, in the understandable rush to provide and maintain services and the curriculum, many institutions may be too quick to lock themselves into services which meet their needs now, but may not be the most appropriate in a post COVID-19 world.


Cloud is typically consumed as a private owned resource or a public rented one; and in some cases, a hybrid combination of both.

In order to get students and staff online as quickly as possible, most universities without the capabilities to do it privately have opted for the rent model.

It is fine in the short-term – making virtual classrooms viable is priority number one for higher education and should be achieved in whatever manner possible, for now.

But when society returns to some sense of normalcy – on a timeline that’s yet to be defined – the institutions that rapidly spun up public cloud services will face some difficult questions.

Will they continue using the applications they deployed to get through the COVID-19 restrictions? If so, how will all these services be integrated with their normal infrastructure?

Then, how will they continue to pay for these services as needs increase? If not, how will they retrieve the months of data that’s been stored on these platforms?

Personally, I believe much of the rapid online transition will stick, as students will now expect to use the services they have been over the past few months. This, however, will have implications for how universities operate long into the future.


There’s no telling what economic impact this crisis will have on the higher education sector, but it doesn’t seem many industries are in for an easy ride when the dust settles.

Already this year the COVID-19 pandemic has kept 114,000 international students – over 15 percent of the total based on last year’s figures – away from Australian shores. This number will likely jump much higher with new students unable to arrive for the second half of the year, increasing the financial pressure on the $40 billion-plus international education sector.

On one hand, this situation stresses the need for online virtual classes to be in operation; but it also means universities need to gain control of whatever expenditure they can to prepare for the times ahead.

Endless ‘rent cheques’ from public cloud providers clash strongly with this. There’s no way to easily turn that tap off, and worse still, as universities increase their cloud dependency a concept known as ‘data gravity’ can easily sink in, making universities more dependent on their provider even as costs soar with no end in sight.

To put it another way, if you’re reliant on using a taxi or ride-share to get from A to B, it’s going to cost you the same each time and this will add up over time. You can’t simply lower the cost because money’s tight.

With your own vehicle though, you can be sparing with how you use it. You can change the type of fuel you use. You can hold off purchasing a new one. You can change the oil yourself rather than using a mechanic.

In November, right when the journey to pandemic was in motion, analyst firm Gartner predicted Australian cloud spend would reach $8.8 billion by 2020 – an 18.3 percent rise compared with 2019 and a higher growth rate than the global average.

That figure is no doubt already irrelevant – the education industry needs to ensure its share of the investment is wisely spent wisely, not just in a public, rent-only format.

Australian universities need to start thinking about ‘buying their own car’, getting all the cloud capabilities they need but under a private or owned cloud-led model.

This will help continue the waves of innovation – and we need that – but within universities’ control from a cost and data perspective.

The ‘necessary’ is largely complete – students are learning online and, hopefully, adapting to the new model.

Now is the time to consider what the post-pandemic future of education looks like, and how university decision makers can ensure it's tenable to keep the sector alive and thriving.


About the author

Lee Thompson is managing director, Australia and New Zealand, for enterprise cloud computing group Nutanix.  Nutanix works with a number of universities in Australia on their digital initiatives.

Stimulus Package explains stimulus packages 'easy'

By Leon Gettler >>

WHEN the Morrison Government unveiled its COVID-19 $189 billion stimulus package to keep Australians in work and businesses in businesses, there was a lot of public interest. And confusion.

Many didn’t know what exactly the package was offering them, how it could help them and where to find it.

Troy Roennfeldt and his team from the digital agency Increaseo had lost a lot of business thanks to COVID-19.  So in their downtime, they set up a website named Stimulus Package to help to arm all Australians with information regarding the recently implemented Stimulus Packages.

It enabled individuals and businesses to locate and easily sort through all applicable support packages offered by the Federal and State Governments to help ease financial pressures and better navigate the tough times ahead.

Mr Roennfeldt said the site collates all the packages at the state and federal level. The idea for it came when he was combing through all the information and “couldn’t find it in one spot where it was needed.” 


While the government information packages have improved, it was very difficult back in March finding the right information. One had to piece it together from various news reports and the government websites were then sparse on information.

“Once I realised it was a bit hard, I was ticking over in my head one evening while I was working through things and I started looking through different domain names and realised was available,” Mr Roennfeldt told Talking Business.

“I registered that, thought about it for another day or two and got my team working on developing it out.

“We had some capacity as we had lost a number of projects in the preceding days with some clients who were in the events space and the catering space. Their businesses had pretty much imploded so all work we had with them was put on hold.

“So we used that downtime to get our developers and content guys on to fleshing the site out.”

He said the firm had four or five of its team members working on it.

Mr Roennfeldt said the site could potentially become even more informative if it could drill into what was on offer in various local government areas and post codes.

“However, the amount of work involved in that is something we don’t have the capacity to put all that out considering we’re doing it for nothing,” he said.

He said there is now an ongoing process of keeping the stimulus package content up to date.

With JobKeeper still being a work in progress, the team will add new information to keep it updated.


Mr Roennfeldt said the response to Stimulus Package had been really good, with many people signing up for newsletters and updates.

“I’m sure there’s probably going to be future stimulus package announcements in the coming weeks or months and we’ll keep that updated and shoot out updates to people who are registered on the site,” he said.

Mr Roennfeldt said the website also offered support services in areas such as mental health and accommodation for people looking for help. It also included information from businesses offering products for free, like productivity tools.

The site also had content from accountants and lawyers and financial advisers.

It’s become very much a community exercise and Mr Roennfeldt said if businesses, lawyers, accountants and financial advisers wanted to send in more material, they should get in touch with him at Increaseo.

Mr Roennfeldt expects the website will be running for more months to come as the government brings in more packages and changes schemes like JobKeeper and JobSeeker.


Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at  

Forescout has four tips to help future-proof operational tech security

OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY security has come into sharp focus in recent months. Digital security experts warn that it is an aspect of business in transition as legacy operational technologies are morphed into internet connected systems.

Advisory group Forescout’s senior director for systems engineering across the Asia Pacific and Japan region, Steve Hunter, said the operational technology (OT) security market was officially in transition. He said acquisitions are accelerating, venture capital investment is slowing, and strategic partnerships are becoming critically important.

He said OT systems themselves were also in a transitional state, as traditional, isolated legacy systems turn into fully IP-connected, cyber-physical systems. Forescout research showed that to stay relevant in the OT world, the cybersecurity market had to evolve alongside these systems.

“IT and OT networks are founded on different and often conflicting priorities, making IT-OT security challenging for businesses,” Mr Hunter said. “Only when the needs of both environments are thoroughly understood can digital convergence be successful.” 

He said Gartner’s 2019 report, Market Guide for Operational Technology Security, confirmed that by the end of 2023, organisations would need to adjust their OT security solutions, because 60 percent of today’s point solution OT security providers would have been rebranded, repositioned or bought – or may have disappeared.

Mr Hunter said while this scenario may cause anxiety for OT security stakeholders, businesses can implement strategies to help prepare for the imminent changes in the OT security market.

Mr Hunter said Forescout has developed four tips to help businesses future proof their OT security strategy:

1.        Proactively identify, classify and monitor OT network assets
The first step to managing cyber and operational risk for any OT system is to figure out what’s in it. Almost every security framework, including NIST CSF, NERC CIP and CIS Critical Security Controls, requires identifying and classifying hardware as a prerequisite. If businesses haven’t implemented some form of real-time OT asset inventory tracking, they should make it a priority for 2020.

OT systems are rapidly morphing into cyber-physical systems that are connected to vast corporate and operational networks via the internet. Not only does this expose them to new internet-based threats, but it also increases the potential for misconfiguration and malfunction of these assets. More moving parts plus more connections equals a higher risk of operational problems.

Proactively identifying, classifying and monitoring OT network assets can help businesses discover what risks they face in the present, and also plan to reduce future risks. Not only will cyber threats like malware be a risk, but businesses will also be able to confirm whether assets in a cyber-physical system are performing as they should and take steps to remediate any issues before they cause downtime.

Implementing an OT network monitoring technology is one of the fastest ways to create and monitor an accurate asset inventory. Businesses should look for a mature vendor with an extensive library of built-in checks for OT-specific cyber and operational threats developed from experience in the field.

2.        Align IT and OT teams to execute integrated cybersecurity initiatives
With IT-OT convergence gaining more traction, businesses need to implement a strong cybersecurity program while also maintaining the top priority of availability for OT systems. For this to succeed, many elements must align, and teams must seamlessly integrate. There are certain areas where IT is the expert and other areas where OT is the expert, and both teams need to align, working towards a common goal.

To promote an alignment initiative, businesses must clearly define roles and common goals, designating subject matter experts, and conducting cross-training. Additionally, empowering teams with mature platform security solutions that have strong cross-functional capabilities can greatly streamline security activities and improve team cohesion.

3.        Use proof-of-value (PoV) requirements that will accurately assess a vendor’s suitability
When undertaking any security PoV, all relevant teams, including security, engineering and operations, should be consulted for input. Ensuring that solution requirements meet everyone’s needs is vital to the success of any OT security investment.

Elements to consider include how a vendor is collecting OT data, the strength of a vendor’s threat intelligence database, and how comprehensive their orchestration and integration capabilities are.

Whatever PoV requirements businesses decide to include, the most important thing is to ensure that they accurately assess a vendor’s maturity and suitability for the business, as well as try to weed out companies that won’t be around in two or three years.

4.        Align with emerging market dynamics by reassessing the OT security vendor landscape
Acquisitions and partnerships in OT security products are accelerating, making the market landscape more volatile. As this market matures, narrow-scope point solutions will be challenged by vendors offering organisation-wide platforms that traverse IT, OT, Internet of Things (IoT), and the cloud, according to Gartner’s Market Guide for Operational Technology Security report. This year is an ideal time to evaluate the current security suite to understand which tools are providing the most value and whether any of the organisation’s current vendors are at risk of becoming obsolete or going out of business.

Mr Hunter said, “The future of the OT security market is uncertain; however, by staying up to date on emerging technologies and understanding how IT and OT networks interoperate, organisations can holistically manage risks to their organisational OT infrastructure.”


Stopping ‘Zoombombing’ from the COVID-19 trenches

By Leon Gettler >>

ONE OF the biggest issues facing Zoom is ‘Zoombombing’. That’s when uninvited intruders break into and disrupt the meeting.

They jump into public Zoom calls and use the platform’s screen-sharing feature to project graphic content to unwitting conference participants, forcing hosts to shut down their events. Zoombombers often hurl racial slurs or profanity, or share pornography and other offensive imagery, or try to add malware to Zoom users’ computers.

Zoombombing has become a huge security and privacy issue as use of the Zoom platform surges due to an increase in coronavirus-related remote working.

Chuck White, the chief technology officer for Fornetix, the advanced encryption key management company based in Maryland USA, said it come down to digital hygiene, cyber defence and making sure the door is locked to unwanted attendees. 

He concedes a lot of it is new to people using Zoom. As he sees it, they have a lot to learn.

“That’s one area where people who aren’t used to running web conferences … you have lot of people online who are not used to operating this way and I think some of it is a lack of experience,” Mr White told Talking Business.

“You used to keep your front door unlocked. So from a Zoombombing perspective, there are drives of people coming online using Zoom to collaborate and not taking appropriate steps to lock the door.

“A lot of it is a community who would not think a tool like Zoom could be abused this way.”


Mr White said Zoom users should take a number of steps to ensure the door remains locked.

First and foremost is to make meeting private. He cited one example of people taking about the Zoom conference coming up and even putting a link.

Facebook is not the most private platform in the world. The same applies for those who put details about the Zoom meeting on a website.

Other security steps are to schedule the meeting and to invite attendees with email. The meeting should also have a password.

If a Zoombomber does enter the meeting, it is important to limit screen sharing and use of video.

Another good idea is to have someone monitoring the meeting to make sure everything is going to plan and who can remove the intruder. If all else fails, shut down the meeting.


The issue is whether employees on remote teams understand cyber defence when they are not trained to use it.

“When it comes to someone who doesn’t work in this day in and day out, you’d want to teach them three to four things: keep it private, have a chaperone, kick people out and if you lose control, kill the meeting,” Mr White said.

As a former army officer, he said it is always a case of keeping it “infantry proof” and these are exactly the instructions handed down to his team at Fornetix,

“That cyber hygiene is critical because attackers will take advantage of people making mistakes,” Mr White said.

“If you can train for that appropriate posture where it becomes second nature, freedom through discipline, to prevent these things from happening, you’re going to make it much more difficult for an attacker to take advantage of a populace that’s vulnerable.”

Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at



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