
Government push to lower emissions will hit business hard

By Leon Gettler, Talking Business >>

THE SHIFT to lower emissions under the Federal Labor Government’s legislation will be the biggest step change for businesses.

According to Ndever Environmental founder Matt Drum it will create a number of issues. It will create complexity, capital requirements, operations and market impact.

It will also create costs.

But Mr Drum said, potentially, that could also deliver savings because of reduced energy. 

He said the legislation created by the Federal Government covers 217 of the largest emitters in the country. These are big mining, big industrial processing and big manufacturing companies.

“It turns this cohort of 217 into carbon accountants,” Mr Drum told Talking Business. “What we’ve been doing for the last 15 years is we’ve been quite good at accounting our carbon but we’ve never had to reduce it except for that brief period where there was a carbon price in 2012.” 

‘Massive step change’ for emissions

Mr Drum said, as a result, businesses now needed to understand that this was a massive step change with the majority of businesses required to reduce their emissions by 4.9 percent per annum.

As a result, he said, “transformational” projects will be required. If a business did not have the opportunity in the 2024 financial year to transform itself with, say, a fuel switch or a big energy efficiency project, they will be required to purchase carbon offsets or Australian carbon credit units.

This could potentially cost them millions in year one.

“So it’s not chicken feed,” Mr Drum said. “It’s an ongoing cost.

“Businesses will have a whole range of opportunities to reduce their emissions and each one of those opportunities will vary in scale in as much as how much they’ll be able to reduce their emissions and they’ll vary in cost to implement, operate and to acquire,” he said.

What businesses needed to do was to work out which opportunities were the cheapest and the most impactful to the most expensive.

“Theoretically, you work from the bottom of that curve up to the top of that curve, implementing the cheapest, most impactful activities first,” Mr Drum said.

“That’s what businesses need to understand because these projects will need finance. They’re going to need approvals, both financial approvals and potentially development approvals. They’re going to need hardware and equipment installed, purchased and commissioned.

“It’s a long-term play and this policy is a long-term policy.”

Costs balanced by savings?

Mr Drum said there would be costs – but potentially there would also be savings.

“We all know energy costs are going through the roof. If you’re implementing a project that saves a significant amount of energy, it might have a payback period of two or three or four years, that could be a cost negative opportunity,” he said.

“Factoring the cost of carbon, which we now have, some of them will have positive returns sooner than later.”

Mr Drum said once upon a time companies set a net zero target by 2050. Investors and stakeholders now felt it should be closer to 2035-2040

He said looking further out, some companies were relying on certain technologies like green hydrogen when the jury was still out on these innovations.

“Organisations need to start understanding the impact and the costs base and also, their ability to pass through those costs into their supply chain and to their clients,” Mr Drum said.





Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at www.acast.com/talkingbusiness



Australia and UK collaborate on high-view water quality monitoring from orbit

AUSTRALIA’S AQUAWATCH system – a mission to develop a ‘weather service’ for water quality – will be established in the UK, following bilateral support and co-funding from the two countries’ space agencies.

CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, launched AquaWatch Australia in 2023 with foundational partner SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) and a network of collaborators. The collaborators developed a national system for monitoring water quality, including early warning forecasts.

Since launching, AquaWatch has established multiple test sites with the ability to monitor bays, coastal wetlands, rivers, dams, lakes, aquaculture farming and coral reefs, including the Southern Great Barrier Reef. 

The creation of AquaWatch UK is the first time the initiative will be rolled out by another country on a national scale, expanding on a test site at Plymouth Sound.

AquaWatch was announced as a supported project under the UK Space Agency’s International Bilateral Fund, with co-funding from the Australian Space Agency, as part of the longstanding UK-Australia Space Bridge initiative. 

Under the UK-Australia Space Bridge, partners will receive funding to advance the AquaWatch system in Australia and establish AquaWatch in the UK, leveraging expertise and technology across both countries.


Sensors are space and water based

AquaWatch Australia mission lead, Alex Held, said AquaWatch integrated data from both a network of water-based sensors and satellite sensors.

“It’s a system we’re developing for Australia, but that can be adapted for other countries in need of national near-real time updates and forecasts,” Dr Held said.

“The importance of high-quality satellite data for AquaWatch means that global collaborations such as this help to enhance the system for everyone.”

Head of the Australian Space Agency, Enrico Palermo said this funding buildt on the collaboration fostered through the UK-Australia Space Bridge.

“By working with our international partners like the UK, we can continue to grow the Australian space sector while delivering outcomes that benefit communities in both of our nations,” Mr Palermo said.

“Projects like AquaWatch reiterate how space technology, like Earth observation, can help address the biggest global challenges we are facing, as well as the power of working together to solve a common problem.”

SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre CEO, Professor Andy Koronios, said SmartSat established strong ties with the UK space industry with the first UK Space Bridge initiative, funding five outstanding joint research initiatives in 2021.

“The AquaWatch UK project further underscores SmartSat’s commitment to delivering next-generation technologies and innovative projects that will accelerate the space sector in both Australia and the UK,” Prof Koronios said.

Space Bridge partner takes the UK lead

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) has been named as the leading partner for delivering AquaWatch in the UK.

Head of SSTL Australia, Clive Oates said the collaborative AquaWatch AUK project would build on SSTL’s strong commitment to the UK-Australia Space Bridge to “help unleash the potential of disruptive space technologies”  and develop a “world class integrated water quality monitoring and forecasting system” for implementation across Australia, UK and beyond.  

“Working with CSIRO and SmartSat CRC on a comprehensive spacecraft platform study will also help accelerate Australia’s capability in the design, manufacture and test of Earth observation capabilities across both academia and industry,” Mr Oates said.

The collaboration will expand on test sites already established across Australia and with Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) in the UK, where AquaWatch is being tested to monitor water quality from the Tamar Bridge in Plymouth, Southwest England.

Earth observation scientist at PML, Elizbeth C Atwood said the test site in Plymouth was monitoring run-off from the Tamar and Plym rivers to the estuary and coast, which can transport sewage, agricultural run-off, heavy metals from mine waste and range of other human-caused pollutants.

“Given these challenges, Plymouth Sound, which hosts the UK's first National Marine Park and a Marine Social and Natural Capital Laboratory initiative, is an ideal testbed for CSIRO’s AquaWatch system through the EO4Agriclimate Vis4Sea project,” Dr Atwood said.

Merit scientist at PML and principal investigator of Vis4Sea, Gavin Tilstone said as the planet “heats up from global warming, we see increased flooding events”.

“Using the AquaWatch infrastructure for Plymouth Sound, Vis4Sea is building a system to monitor the impacts of flooding on water quality, mud flats and sea grass beds, which play an important role in capturing CO2 from the atmosphere,” Dr Tilstone said.


Living Coasts program dovetails AquaWatch

Another EO4Agriclimate project, Living Coasts, is advancing the use of satellite observations to map land and water environments and their dynamics.

Living Coasts researcher, Richard Lucas of Aberystwyth University said this allowed AquaWatch users to gain a more complete picture and understanding of changes driving water quality.

“Working with Australian and UK partners, we are implementing our approach through data cubes of satellite data for both countries, but also in other regions including Southeast Asia, with this contributing to efforts focused on improving environments for people and nature,” Professor Lucas said.

The AquaWatch AUK project highlights the important role space technology has to play for sustainable development and environmental stewardship in both countries.

In addition to CSIRO, SmartSat CRC and SSTL, AquaWatch AUK is supported by Assimila, RAL Space, Pixalytics and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS).


Click here for more information about AquaWatch Australia.


Direct emissions ‘just the beginning’ for media and agencies

OPINION by Rob Shwetz >>

MANY MEDIA organisations are aiming to have carbon neutral strategies in place. When you are reporting on climate change and taking others to task over carbon fraud and greenwashing, it’s prudent to have your own inscrutable plans for a more environmentally friendly future.

But the buck doesn’t stop there. Media agencies also need to consider their clients’ impact on the planet and be ready to advise accordingly. This is the most pressing challenge media is facing right now. 

Media impact

At The Growth Activists, our latest carbon calculations found with some organisations that advertising and media were in the top three regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

With media being such a huge contributor to GHGs, it is inevitable that media company’s operations will come under scrutiny. For this reason, media companies need to have comprehensive and transparent measurements of their operations with clear reporting to all stakeholders showing their roadmap for reduction. 

As the climate crisis accelerates, media owners and agencies need to aggressively seek to decrease their direct (Scope 1) impact and their indirect emissions under Scope 2 and 3. Here’s a reminder:

Scope 1 emissions include direct emissions from the company’s owned or controlled sources. This includes on-site energy such as natural gas and fuel and refrigerants.

Scope 2 emissions comprise indirect GHGs from purchased or acquired energy, such as electricity, steam, heat or cooling, generated offsite and consumed by the reporting company. 

Scope 3 includes all indirect emissions that occur in the value chain of a reporting company.

Indirect advice

Media owners and agencies both need to be fully accountable for their carbon footprint and the recommendations they put forward to clients.

For example, what is the micro carbon emission of an Instagram post or banner ad? Surprisingly, collectively these have an impact.  Businesses need to be able to provide the real carbon calculations of their media channels and advise accordingly.

This will likely include:

  • Providing a carbon footprint of media plans being recommended.
  • Adding CO2 emissions as another measurement in media plans, alongside traditional metrics such as reach and frequency. 
  • Putting together packages that enable clients to have smaller carbon footprints, for example digital media options powered by renewable energy.
  • Recommending packages that marry marketing effectiveness with a lower carbon footprint.
  • Putting pressure on suppliers to provide services with lower emissions.
  • Buying in services that are low carbon to reduce the pressure on carbon impact.

Digital dichotomy

While the environmental impact of trees and trucks is well documented, the digital space is currently occupying the spotlight as a significant contributor to carbon emissions. When it comes to media specifically, according to the International Energy Agency, a 30-second TV ad that reaches 500,000 people during prime time consumes 15 million seconds (4,166 hours) of electricity. 

The Advertising Council Australia (ACA), the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) and the Media Federation of Australia (MFA) have all committed to supporting Ad Net Zero in Australia – a global initiative to drive advertising’s response to the climate crisis.

Ad Net Zero is a strategic and comprehensive program that provides advice, education, training and collaborative opportunities for ad industries to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

But while net zero is a laudable goal, is it enough?

The short answer is no. The long-term challenge for the industry is to move from net zero to climate-positive — an activity that goes beyond achieving net zero emissions and creates an environmental benefit by removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Beyond Net Zero

Carbon offsetting, once the go-to for all that pesky excess carbon, is now garnering a bad rap, and schemes need to be rigorously audited to ensure company integrity. 

Instead, a company should focus on monitoring energy use to work towards generating a carbon-positive footprint in the long term. That is to reduce your carbon impact to below zero as you have removed more carbon than your business has generated.

It’s critical to shift the conversation from offsetting to actual reduction. The onus is on media agencies to work with media providers to get them to offer carbon-neutral and eventually carbon-positive solutions.

And your sustainability initiatives do not stop there – the ‘E’ in ESG representing the environment is only the first cab off the rank.  To develop an effective and comprehensive ESG strategy, businesses also need to think about the ‘S’ in ESG. 

What does your diversity, equality and inclusion policy cover?  Are you prepared for the anticipated regulatory changes in modern slavery government legislation?  Do you really have insight into your Tier 1, 2 and 3 supply chain to manage risks within that chain?

These need to start now.

As a media owner or agency, it is not an expectation that you have all the knowledge to reduce carbon emissions nor to be able to develop a comprehensive ESG strategy alone. Companies can partner with external stakeholders who have extensive experience in both ESG and media, and can support you in reaching your sustainability goals, whether that’s achieving net zero emissions (and beyond), becoming B Corp Certified or developing a full sustainability strategy.

This should include engaging a consultant to help implement an ESG strategy using a holistic and systematic approach.



About the author

Rob Shwetz is a partner and director at The Growth Activists, which he describes as a “strategy and engagement consultancy that activates courageous organisations for a sustainable future”. The Growth Activists teams turn “provocative thinking into actionable strategies” for lasting positive impact and value. The three key service pillars of the organisation help to develop strategies for positive impact; bring about sustainability transformation; and create purposeful engagement through communication.



International ecosystem restoration exports meet in Australia – to help

MORE THAN 800 ecosystem restoration experts from across the globe are gathering in Darwin for the 10th Society on Ecological Restoration (SER) conference from tomorrow through to Saturday (Septemer 26-30).

The SER Conference is the largest conference of its kind ever held in the Southern Hemisphere.

A large Australian contingent will attend the SER Conference, led by members of the Restoration Decade Alliance (RDA). The RDA incorporates 21 peak environment organisations active in restoring ecosystems. It is committed to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.

Over the past 200 years, Australia has lost 34 mammals to extinction – more than the rest of the world combined, according to the conference convenors – and since the Australian national environmental law was introduced in 1999, the list of threatened species and ecological communities has grown by more than a third.

“This type of loss occurs all around the world and has led to an international biodiversity crisis,” a conference spokesperson said. “Stopping biodiversity and habitat loss is necessary and relatively straightforward, but is insufficient alone.

“Restoring lost habitats is also essential to address these species losses and to make agriculture and fisheries more resilient to climate change, but this is far less straightforward.”

The Federal Government signed on to the international Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework earlier this year. In doing so, it committed Australia to restore 30 percent of its degraded ecosystems – on land and sea – by 2030.  

The RDA has held a series of workshops to outline an agreed path to a national restoration plan and restoration targets to help deliver on this commitment. A final workshop is to be held at the SER Conference, and with the advice of international delegates, named A Roadmap to Ecosystem Restoration Success will be released at the conference on Friday.

The Restoration Decade Alliance is a network of non-profit environmental restoration groups in Australia who have joined forces to support the goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Members so far include: the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators, the ABC Foundation, Australian Coastal Restoration Network, Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc, Australian Seedbank Partnership, Bush Heritage Australia, Gondwana Link, Greening Australia, the Great Eastern Ranges, Invasive Species Council, Landcare Australia, National Landcare Network, EverGreening Global Alliance, SER Australasia, the Nature Conservancy Australia, WWF, OzFish, Landscape Foundation of Australia, Wetland Revival Trust, North East Bioregional Network and Threshold Environmental.

Apart from a range of field trips, the two major conference venues are the DoubleTree by Hilton Esplanade hotel and the Darwin Entertainment Centre.




VictoryMax is sustaining fashion

By Leon Gettler, Talking Business >>

ONE OF THE BIG ISSUES in the rag trade is the significant waste generated by online fashion returns, with many perfectly usable garments ending up in landfill.

About 100 billion garments are produced globally each year, with 33 percent going to landfill within the first year of purchase.

In Australia every year, the average person consumers 27kg of textiles and 23kg of that ends up in landfill each year.

This is a shocking statistic and VictoryMax wants to be part of the solution. 

Victory Max, offers a digital answer with their virtual fitting rooms. Done in conjunction with Austrian technology company Reactive Reality, this free feature enables customers to create a virtual mannequin, in their proportions, in order to mix and match pieces to find an outfit they love.

Victory Max founder Victoria Matterson said the technology gave customers more insights into their purchases. It also provides them with greater assurance the pieces they buy will suit them and be worn time and time again. 

Creating the virtual fitting room

How does the virtual fitting room work? It takes a 2D or 3D image of the garment. It is photographed on a ghost mannequin.

The customer puts in their measurements and the image is overlaid on the person to show where it fits, where it might be too tight, where it might be too loose. The mannequin is made in proportion to the customer’s measurements.

The mannequin is based completely on the customer.

She said this would also reduce the number of garments going into landfill.

“Depending on the website, between 30 and 40 percent of online purchases get returned,” Ms Matterson told Talking Business.

Ms Matterson said she had run a focus group with her peers which told her that when they buy clothes on line, they buy in two or three sizes and send back the ones that don’t fit.

“The issue with that is often with the ones that don’t fit on some websites, they automatically go into landfill because it is too difficult to put them back into the chain.to be re-sold because they have to be dry-cleaned again, and have to be re-labelled. So from that point of view there is significant waste there,” she said.

Customers take to virtual fittings

The virtual fitting room has only been operating for the last few weeks.

She said customers love it.

“They’re liking the ease of it. It takes less than a minute to set up a profile and then it just gets saved on your browser,” Ms Matterson  said.

She said a lot of her male friends want her to start stocking male fashion items as they don’t want to go into a store. She says that will come in time. It’s another project for the company which was only set up in 2019 before the COVID madness.

She said her company focuses on Australian designers and brands. These include the Ostara Collection. Luna + Sun, Re-Love Me, Fit Bird, and Styelle Swim in clothing. There are also items in jewellery and beauty

“That ties in with our focus on increased sustainability and ethical production because that’s absolutely critical,” Ms Matterson said.

“We don’t want anything that comes from a sweat shop overseas where we are not sure how the labour has been treated, where we are not sure people are getting their workplace entitlements” she said.




Hear the complete interview and catch up with other topical business news on Leon Gettler’s Talking Business podcast, released every Friday at www.acast.com/talkingbusiness



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