Business News Releases

Public hearings continue for parliamentary inquiry into utilising Free Trade Agreements

THE Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth will hold three public hearings in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra to inform its inquiry into the understanding and utilisation of benefits under Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

The committee will hear from industry groups, peak bodies, academics and community organisations about how Australian businesses are engaging in international trade and how access to the benefits offered by trade and Australia’s FTAs could be improved.

The inquiry is focusing on the level of awareness and uptake of the benefits available under Australia’s FTAs, including the promotion of the benefits of trade, the difficulties faced in accessing the benefits of trade agreements and how the utilisation of trade agreements is measured. The committee is also examining the extent to which regional, diaspora and First Nations communities take advantage of trade and FTA opportunities, including how these communities can be better engaged to build Australia’s trade.

Committee Chair, Steve Georganas MP said, “International trade brings significant economic and social benefits to all Australians. The committee is looking forward to hearing from stakeholders to better understand if the benefits offered by participation in trade are being maximised and how the utilisation of Australia’s free trade agreements could be improved.

“We are also interested in how Australia’s large diaspora communities participate in trade, and whether there are greater opportunities to utilise their knowledge, expertise and networks to foster closer business links and trade ties.”

These public hearings follow earlier hearings with several Australian Government departments and agencies, including the Department of Foreign Affairs and Austrade that focussed on the government’s role in supporting Australian businesses to enjoy the economic and social benefits of trade and Australia’s FTAs.

Public hearing details


Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Time: 9.30am to 2pm (AEST)
Location: Macquarie Room, NSW Parliament House


Date: Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Time: 10am to 2pm (AEST)
Location: TBC


Date: Friday, 22 November 2024
Time: 9am to 2.30pm (AEST)
Location: Committee Room 1R4, Parliament House, Canberra

Further information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference, published submissions and hearing transcripts, are available on the inquiry webpage.

The hearing will be broadcast live at




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Second public hearing for the Select Committee on Nuclear Energy

THE House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy is holding its second public hearing in Canberra today. The parliamentary committee has been established to inquire into and report on the consideration of nuclear power generation in Australia.

Committee Chair, Dan Repacholi MP, the Federal Member for Hunter, said, "The committee is looking forward to continuing to hear evidence from stakeholders who may have a role in any future federal nuclear energy policy in Australia, and experts with knowledge of nuclear energy. We are continuing to set the scene and gather information as to where Australia currently stands with regards to nuclear energy regulation and policy and how nuclear energy would fit into Australia’s current energy mix.”

Mr Repacholi explained that the hearings in Canberra were a foundation the committee intended to use before travelling to communities that have been earmarked for nuclear energy plants.

The hearing can be accessed online. Programs for all hearings and further information about the inquiry, including the inquiry terms of reference are available on the Committee’s website.

The Select Committee on Nuclear Energy is seeking submissions by Friday, 15 November 2024.

Public hearing details

Date: Monday, 28 October 2024
Time: 8:30am to 6:15pm (AEDT) (approximately)
Location: Main Committee Room (MCR), Australian Parliament House, Canberra



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Tax Practitioners Board expands consultation on draft Code Determination guidance

TO ENSURE appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct in the tax profession are upheld, the regulator for tax practitioners, the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB), today released draft policy guidance for public consultation.

The draft policy guidance seeks to assist tax practitioners understand the new obligations in the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 (Determination) and the TPB is seeking tax practitioner and stakeholder feedback to help shape the final version of the following draft guidance:

In releasing these draft information sheets, TPB chair, Peter de Cure welcomed stakeholder feedback from the community, tax practitioners and relevant professional associations.

Mr de Cure said, "Our practical guidance supports the majority of tax practitioners doing the right thing. At the same time, improved tax practitioner standards will help address false or misleading tax statements associated with tax avoidance and fraud.

"This draft guidance supports trust in the tax profession, covering a range of practical issues to ensure competent services, supported by quality management systems and improved client transparency.

"‘In developing the draft guidance we held two roundtable discussions with professional bodies and consumer groups, seeking their initial views," Mr de Cure said. "Recognising the key role professional associations have in the co-regulation of tax practitioners, their engagement and practical insights has been invaluable in informing and improving our draft guidance.

"We look forward to expanding our consultation processes and continuing to work closely with all stakeholders and the tax profession. This will ensure the final guidance is practical and supports tax practitioners."

For most tax practitioners the new ethical requirements apply from July 1, 2025. The exception being larger firms, with 100 or more staff, who will need to comply from January 1, 2025.

The TPB encourages all stakeholders to share their views on its draft policy guidance and tax practitioners and other stakeholders can make a written submission. They can also provide feedback by participating in the TPB's series of Code Determination webinars or responding via their professional association.

As part of finalising the guidance in December 2024, the TPB will also be issuing complementary material, such as factsheets and website content, to assist tax practitioners understand the new requirements.

The TPB has updated the Frequently asked questions on the new Code obligations, published on its website, to address some common queries about the determination.

Comments invited

The TPB invites comments on all six draft information sheets by November 21, 2024. Submissions for each can be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to Tax Practitioners Board, GPO Box 1620, Sydney NSW 2001.

The TPB will consider all submissions received before finalising its position.



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Alcohol and other drug health hearings begin

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport will convene a series of public hearings next week in support of its inquiry into the health impacts of alcohol and other drugs in Australia.

The hearings will be held in Melbourne on October 28 and 29, and in Brisbane on October 30.

Committee Chair, Mike Freelander MP, said the inquiry had attracted significant public interest since commencing in August.

"The committee has received a large number of written submissions highlighting several crucial issues, including the stigma preventing early intervention, links between substance use and domestic violence, and opportunities for better service integration," Dr Freelander said.

"We are looking forward to exploring these issues in greater depth during our public hearings."

The hearings will be attended by representatives of peak bodies specialising in alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment, leading Australian researchers and clinicians, and government and non-government AOD service providers.

Public hearings

Date: Monday, 28 October 2024
Time: 11.30am – 3.45pm AEDT
Location: Mantra on Russell, Melbourne

Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Time: 8.45am – 2.15pm AEDT
Location: Mantra on Russell, Melbourne

Date: Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Time: 10.30am – 4pm AEST
Location: Queensland Parliament House, Brisbane

A program for the public hearing is available on the inquiry website. A live audio stream of the hearings will also be available on the APH website.



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The Select Committee on Nuclear Energy’s public hearing program kicks off in Canberra

THE newly established House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy will kick start its public hearing program in Canberra today. The parliamentary committee has been established to inquire into and report on the consideration of nuclear power generation in Australia.

The committee will hear from Federal Government departments including the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW); the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR); the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Department of Defence, and government agencies including the Australia Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), among others.

Committee Chair, Dan Repacholi MP, the Federal Member for Hunter, said, "The committee is looking forward to opening its public hearing program with a day of ‘scene setting’ evidence from government departments and agencies who play a role in federal nuclear energy policy and legislation in Australia. The committee hopes this will provide an opportunity for a productive discussion of the fundamental issues around nuclear power generation in Australia.”

Mr Repacholi explained the committee intends to hear from communities across Australia that would be impacted by the Opposition’s nuclear energy plan. In the coming weeks and months, the committee will also call on a broad range of experts to explore the financial, environmental, technical, and legal implications of developing nuclear energy in Australia, among other issues.

The hearing can be accessed online. Programs for all hearings and further information about the inquiry,  including the inquiry terms of reference are available on the committee’s website.

The Committee on Nuclear Energy is seeking submissions by Friday, November 15.

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday, 24 October 2024
Time: 9am to 5:15pm (AEDT) (approximately)
Location: Main Committee Room (MCR), Australian Parliament House, Canberra.



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