On 24 May 2018, the Government introduced a 12 month superannuation guarantee amnesty. The amnesty provides incentives for businesses to self-correct historical errors in relation to compulsory superannuation.  

Based on past experience, we expect the Government’s new superannuation guarantee amnesty will be followed by hardline ATO audit activity. 

In this webinar, we will work through case studies where well-meaning businesses have underpaid compulsory superannuation. We will discuss the most common risks for inadvertently underpaying compulsory superannuation, as well as options to protect you and your clients. 

The case studies will explore the following issues:

  • incorrectly classifying employees as contractors – the high risk areas from recent cases
  • common errors for miscalculating compulsory superannuation contributions
  • when compulsory superannuation has to be paid to contractors and others deemed to be employees
  • how the super guarantee amnesty works 
  • the advantages of the amnesty and traps in the voluntary disclosure process
  • what errors can be voluntarily disclosed to the ATO
  • other options for reducing risks. 

We hope that you will be able to join us.