Brisbane Southside Chamber of Commerce - Tony Ryan guest speaker

Brisbane Southside Chamber of Commerce - Tony Ryan guest speaker
March event 2024

Book now for our March Business Breakfast with guest speaker Tony Ryan.

We're joining forces with our friends from the South East Brisbane Chamber of Commerce to bring you this must attend event!

By the mid-2030s, the business world will be awash with disruptive

technologies. Chat-GPT is only the start of the astonishing possibilities awaiting us up ahead. Although it is difficult to predict the timeframes, we will eventually be working with robots in a combination of remote, live, and augmented business practices.

What might this 2030s world look and feel like? What capabilities will our young people really need for this dramatic future? Will we see an eventual hybridisation between robots and humans? How can we ensure that this upcoming tech remains focused on humans rather than robots?

This provocative, practical and entertaining presentation will explore

some possible scenarios for tomorrow’s business environments, and

then clarify a series of supportive and future-preparing actions that we can take today.


About Tony Ryan:

Tony is an education futurist. He has worked with over 1000 schools, businesses and universities in 12 countries on developing their future pathways.

He is the author of books that focus on preparing young people for the dramatic changes up ahead. His upcoming book is called ‘How To Predict The Future… most of the time’.

His latest book ‘The Next Generation’ was published through Wiley and Sons publishers. As part of the promotion for this book, he has appeared on national TV, and in numerous radio and newspaper interviews.


Mt Gravatt Bowls Club

Doors open at 6:30am for a 7am start to 8:30am finish

Member $35

Non-member $45


*Bookings Close Monday 18 March 2024 at midnight.

Event Properties

Event Date 20/03/2024
Event End Date 20/03/2024
Location Mt Gravatt Bowls Club

Contact Us


PO Box 2144