Business News Releases

Melbourne hearing for inquiry into improving the economic self-determination for First Nations Australians

THE Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs will hold a public hearing in Melbourne on July 19 for the inquiry into improving the economic prosperity for First Nations Australians.

The committee is looking forward to hearing firsthand from Victoria’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations at the forefront of business enterprise, about the barriers to and opportunities for economic development for First Nations people.

The committee will discuss the latest research from the Dilin Duwa–Centre for Indigenous Business Leadership and the University of Melbourne about the enormous contribution of Indigenous businesses to the Australian economy and job creation in local communities.

Other First Nations organisations will provide insights into opportunities offered by Treaty and renewable energy projects for boosting the First Nations workforce and unlocking economic potential.

Chair of the committee, Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba woman Senator Jana Stewart, said, "Blak-owned organisations in Victoria are at the cutting edge of creating economic prosperity in their communities. It is critical that we examine their knowledge and insights about the pathway to economic independence and long-term wealth creation."

Further information on the inquiry, including the program for the public hearing at the Legislative Council Committee Room, Parliament of Victoria on Friday July 19 is available on the Committee’s website.



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Treaties Committee to examine extension of Australia-US scientific balloon agreement

THE Joint Standing Committee on Treaties will hold a public hearing today for its inquiry to extend the Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America to Amend and Extend the Agreement concerning the Conduct of Scientific Balloon Flights for Civil Research Purposes of February 16, 2006.

The treaty action concerns the extension of a 2002 agreement between the Australian and US Governments which would allow the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to continue conducting scientific balloon experiments in Alice Springs.

Committee Chair, Josh Wilson MP, said, "The extension of this agreement would continue the long-standing and mutually beneficial relationship between the Australian and US Governments. NASA’s collaboration with Australia on space-related activities has contributed more than $1 billion to the local economy.

"The existing facilities established by NASA in Alice Springs aid research into matters related to black holes, quasars, and atmospheric and environmental science. Australian scientists directly benefit from these experiments, with the agreement ensuring that Australia is entitled to receive any data from the experiments."

The Committee will hear from officials from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the University of New South Wales, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

More information about the Committee and its inquiry can be found on the Committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday 18 July 2024
Time: 11am–11.40am
Location: Committee Room 1R4

The hearing can be accessed online and the program for this hearing is available on the Committee website, along with further information about the inquiry.



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Programs published for flood insurance inquiry hearings in Cairns and Townsville

THE House Standing Committee on Economics has published the programs for its upcoming public hearings in Cairns and Townsville, Queensland, as part of its inquiry into insurers’ responses to 2022 major floods claims.

The Cairns hearing will be held in the Catalina Room at the Cairns RSL on Wednesday, July 24, from 9am to 4pm. The hearing will include evidence from local councils, business associations, community organisations and residents.

The Townsville hearing will be held in the Jezzines Function Room at the Townsville RSL on Thursday, July 25, from 9.15am to 12.30pm, and will include evidence from Townsville City Council and business associations, with a session for individual statements by residents subject to interest.

The hearing programs are available on the inquiry website.

For further information contact the Committee secretariat on 02 6277 4707 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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ACA welcomes government support for CFMEU administration

THE Australian Constructors Association (ACA)has applauded Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke’s announcement today, committing to “immediate” action for appointing independent administrators to the CFMEU’s construction branches.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirmed that this action wpuld incorporate the NSW and QLD branches of the CFMEU.

ACA CEO Jon Davies said, "Whilst the joint media investigation has uncovered criminality, corruption and coercive behaviour in the Victorian branch of the CFMEU, the problems are not limited to Victoria.

“This action, as opposed to de-registration, will importantly mean that workers will still have access to workplace representation if needed,” Mr Davies said..

“It should not be forgotten that lawful and well-run unions play an important role in maintaining a safe workplace and representing workers on pay and conditions.”

ACA also welcomes the request from Minister Burke for joint Australian Federal Police/State investigations into all allegations of criminal behaviour.

“It is important that the rule of law prevails and that includes appropriate investigation by the ACCC into breaches of competition law,” Mr Davies said.

ACA will work to support the general manager of the Fair Work Commission in his investigation into contraventions of the Registered Organisations Act and will continue to work with the Federal Government more broadly.

“This is an opportunity to create a more balanced, harmonious and productive industry for the benefit of all workers, employers and taxpayers,” Mr Davies said.

The Australian Constructors Association is the only representative body for contractors delivering vertical and horizontal construction projects, as well as undertaking infrastructure asset management. Members construct and service the majority of major infrastructure projects built in Australia every year. OThe ACA's  goal is to create a more sustainable construction industry.



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Master Builders statement on Federal Government and Fair Work actions re CFMEU

MASTER BUILDERS Australia has welcomed today’s announcement that the Fair Work Commission is seeking advice on making an application to appoint an independent administrator to oversee the CFMEU.

The announcement is a significant move in addressing a range of serious allegations against the CFMEU while ensuring workers retain access to workplace representation if they choose.

According to Master Builders' official statment, "It is also an important first step towards stamping out the toxic and ingrained culture within building unions of bullying, thuggery, and complete disregard for the law. 

"We also appreciate Minister (Tony) Burke’s commitment to support the application and to introduce legislation in the next sitting period should there be any legislative barriers to appointing an administrator.

"We welcome the Federal Government’s announcement of a Fair Work Ombudsman investigation into CFMEU Victorian EBAs on Big Build projects, a review through procurement powers into whether CFMEU EBAs on government projects were genuinely agreed to, and a request for an AFP investigation working alongside state jurisdictions to investigate the recent claims and any criminal breaches.

"This culture has existed for decades and has stifled productivity and increased the cost of construction at the expense of the community, taxpayers, jobs and small business.

"All levers need to be pulled to ensure these investigations are well-resourced, thorough and have the full powers available to them.

"Master Builders will continue to work with the Federal Government about taking a holistic urgent approach to this issue, including an ACCC investigation.

It has been extensively documented in four Royal Commissions, dozens of inquiries and reviews, and hundreds of court judgements. The time for talking is over - what we need now is real action to fix this problem once and for all.

"More action will still be needed to hold recidivist officials accountable, and a strong building regulator must be reinstated.

"We urge all political parties to set politics aside and work together to ensure the passage of legislation to remove any barriers to the investigations."



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