Business News Releases

East West Link vital for preventing congestion chaos


VICTORIA's peak business body has restated its support for the East West Link amid reports the project is vital to tackling Melbourne’s worsening traffic congestion.

“VECCI has been a consistent supporter of the East West Link because of the economic and social benefits it will bring, including its potential to reduce congestion,” said VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone.

His comments come in the wake of recent commentary that warns of “unimaginable” traffic chaos if the road is not built.

Mr Stone said with forecast significant growth in population and trade over the next 25 years, the East West Link will be critical to ensuring the smooth flow of freight and residents across Melbourne. The project will also reduce the dependency on the Monash Freeway and enhance access to Tullamarine Airport for those in the south east corridor.

Mr Stone also said the Melbourne Metro rail tunnel has a valuable role to play in building a better transportation system for Melbourne.

“The improvement in the public transport service coverage and quality that Melbourne Metro will bring will open up new travel and employment options for residents, visitors and business travellers alike,” said Mr Stone.

“Improved public transport capacity, travel times and options can have major flow on benefits for business.

“It is for these reasons that VECCI encourages the State Government to progress both projects as part of an integrated, long-term transport plan for Victoria’s future.”



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Melbourne crowned world's greatest sports city for a second time

The Victoria Events Industry Council (VEIC) welcomes the news that Melbourne has been named the “Ultimate Sports City” - large city category - at the global 2014 SportsBusiness Ultimate Sports City Awards.

This is the second time Melbourne has received the award that recognises the important social and cultural role sport plays in Victoria and is further evidence that Melbourne is the ideal location for large sporting events. 

VEIC Chief Executive Dianne Smith welcomed the announcement and called for the State Government to build on this achievement by prioritising funding for key events throughout the state.

“Victoria has a proud record of successful sporting events and we have earned our place as a leading player on the global events stage," says Ms Smith.

“We urge the government to leverage this international award for the benefit of Victoria by reaffirming its financial commitment to our key major events and by exploring new ways of helping regional Victoria secure events."

Regional Victoria relies heavily on tourism, as over six per cent of jobs are in this industry.

VEIC Chairman Peter Jones echoed Ms Smith’s sentiment on the importance of events and tourism to our state.

“This award is a timely reminder of the significance of events to Melbourne’s economy. As an essential part of the tourism mix, events play a crucial role in delivering on the tourism promise for Victoria – more jobs,” says Mr Jones. 

VEIC, in conjunction with the Victoria Tourism Industry Council, continues to urge the government to examine ways of increasing the number of medium sized events, including key sporting tournaments, in regional Victoria such as the Geelong, Dandenong, Bendigo and Ballarat areas.


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Museum Victoria funding positive news for cultural tourism

THE Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) has applauded the State Government’s pledge to provide Museum Victoria with $3 million in funding for its exhibition renewal program.

“We welcome the State Government’s continued support for cultural tourism as this sector is a significant driver of Melbourne’s development as a travel destination for Victorian, interstate and international visitors,” says VTIC Chief Executive Dianne Smith. "A vibrant tourism industry creates and sustains jobs and it’s positive to see the government prioritising this in the budget.” 

Ms Smith’s comments follow last night’s announcement by the Hon. Heidi Victoria MP, Minister for the Arts, that the government will allocate $3 million in the 2014-15 State Budget to support Museum Victoria’s exhibition renewal program in the year ahead.


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Retailers pleased to see courts support ACCC – Federal Court declare Woolworths fuel dockets breach agreement


PEAK retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) commended the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for taking efficient enforcement action against Woolworths on the issue of fuel shopper dockets.

The Federal Court today found supermarket giant Woolworths guilty of breaching their agreement made last December to cap fuel shopper dockets at 4 cents per litre.

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said the ARA is pleased to see these undertakings being upheld by the courts.

"In addition to its standard offer of a 4c discount per litre for shoppers spending at least $30 in its supermarkets, Woolworths had been allowing shoppers to increase the discount to 8c per litre by spending a minimum $5 at the convenience stores attached to its chain of petrol stations – obviously an attempt to get around the agreement that the ARA, along with independent retailers, fought long and hard to reach.

"The retail industry is somewhat reassured by the shutting of the door on anti-competitive cross-subsidisation in whatever back door methods that were used to get around this agreement.

"Without the ACCC keeping a close eye on this agreement, fair competition would be destroyed, making it virtually impossible for independent retailers to have a fair go.

"It is encouraging that the ACCC has demonstrated its determination to safeguard the interests of consumers and to promote more effective competition in the fuel market. It is our hope that Woolworths now understands the consequences of such breaches," Mr Zimmerman said.

Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia's $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

Visit or call 1300 368 041.



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Flat consumer confidence highlights need for Government to step up and support retail sector


PEAK retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) was somewhat disappointed to see consumer confidence remain flat after the Westpac Melbourne Institute Index of Consumer Sentiment rose by only 0.3 percent in April to 99.7. 

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said retailers were hoping for a better result, given that the index has fallen by a total of 9.6 percent since November. 

“Consumers need to see some of the Government’s promised boosts to increasing hip pocket flexibility delivered by the Senate such as the abolition of the carbon tax. 

“What the industry also needs now is Government support through cutting red tape, greater employment flexibility, addressing the GST loophole and reducing other burdens on Australian businesses who are struggling to keep their heads above water. 

“Employment flexibility is a major for issue for the retail sector - retailers must be able to trade when customers want to shop. Today we live in a global market and we will only lose trade to overseas competitors if we do not trade to meet customer requirements. 

“All levels of Government and the Fair Work Commission (FWC) must recognise the need to broaden the definition of normal working hours for those employees who wish to be flexible. 

“It is perfectly reasonably that many employees are happy to start at 10am or 11am and finish work at (a still reasonable) 6pm or 7pm, allowing them to coordinate child, school and other duties with their partners. 

“Why, in this day and age, retail businesses are punished for opening after 6pm, when many families find these flexible times fully reasonable, is anachronistic,” Mr Zimmerman said. 

Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia’s $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

Visit or call 1300 368 041.



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