Have your say on information and communications technology statistics

THE Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Department of Communications today launched a review into information and communications technology (ICT) statistics. 

The review will assess the priority information areas for data relating to ICT statistics, as well as ways to improve the quality of digital economy data available for Australia’s decision-makers.

The public consultation phase, which opens today and is open until 27 February, invites parties to submit proposals for improving the information available on ICT statistics.

The discussion paper provides background information including the terms of reference.

This is a unique opportunity for ICT data users and the public to have their say on the current information available and how well it meets their needs says Diane Braskic from the ABS.

"Information and communications technology statistics assist government, business, researchers and the community to make informed decisions.” Ms Braskic said.

"The input from the submissions will help us make sure that these statistics continue to provide the valuable information that meet people's needs.

"I encourage anyone interested in a making a submission to go to the ABS website for more information."

The consultation period is open from today until 27 February 2015. To make a submission, visit Submission Process for the Information and Communications Technology Statistics Review.






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