Reef 2050 plan charts course for healthy future

THE REEF 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan launched today by the Australian and Queensland governments charts the course to progressively restore the health of the Great Barrier Reef over the coming decades. 

Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Michael Roche said the action plan identifies the vital steps that must be taken in the next five years and beyond to protect the reef for future generations.

‘The Queensland Resources Council has been proud to be representing the resources sector in helping to develop this landmark Reef 2050 plan that will set a new course for turning around the health of our majestic reef,’ Mr Roche said. 

‘Achieving this ambition for the Reef cannot rely on governments alone. It will only be achievable with significant leadership and involvement from industry and all sectors of the community,’ Mr Roche said.

Reef 2050 is a comprehensive action plan that has been put together under the leadership of the Australian and Queensland governments, working with a Partnership Group comprising stakeholder representatives from the resources, ports, tourism, fishing, agriculture, Indigenous, local government, research and conservation sectors, Mr Roche said.

‘The contribution of the resources sector and its partner the ports sector, to the Reef 2050 actions and commitments is a substantial one, encompassing actions involving water quality monitoring and reporting, port development and dredging management strategies and commitments to using ships and ship crews that have been independently vetted for their quality,’ Mr Roche said.

‘In addition to these Reef 2050 actions, the resources industry expects to spend $250 million over the next 5 years on Reef-related environmental programs. 

‘We are part of a team that is working together to help turn around the health of the reef and I am pleased to say that many of the activities to improve the reef’s resilience are already well underway and achieving measurable gains,’ Mr Roche said.


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