Digital Business

Come to grips with digital dangers

By Murray Goldschmidt >>

NO BUSINESS is safe when it comes to cyber-attacks, and this is what small business fails to realise.

Most attacks are focused on a positive monetary outcome for the cyber-attacker. Often the secondary target within a business is the personal information of individuals (customers, partners, suppliers and acquaintances that are usually kept in mail systems) as this data is used to identify the attackers’ next set of potential victims.

Unfortunately, the size of the target is often irrelevant.  Cyber-attacks are an asymmetric threat.  This means that the cost to develop or execute the attack can be very small but the impact resulting from an attack can be extraordinarily high – including monetary losses.  

Many (most) small businesses generally have not taken the time to consider the risk of a cyber breach, nor the impact to their business. Many are of the mind that it won’t happen to them and are under the impression that attacks only target large enterprises. 

In fact, the opposite is usually true, with larger businesses implementing more security controls to protect their IT systems and data repositories. As a result, today’s attacker finds it easier to target smaller organisations with less robust security in place.


Some of the top digital dangers facing small business start with a technique candidly called ‘phishing’ in cyber-speak.

A phishing attack uses an email, instant message, text message or even a phone call requesting the user to take an action, usually to click a button – which starts the download of malicious malware – or to trick the user into sharing passwords and other user details.

When it comes to phishing attacks, there are many different techniques that the attacker might use. These include ‘spear phishing’ which is a more targeted attack to a specific individual with a specific objective.

A ‘whaling’ attack often targets C-level executives (or business owners) and these types of attacks can often be hard to identify – as the attacker has customised them to appeal to a specific individual.

With the increase in phishing attacks the question then is how can you identify such an attack?

Many emails may appear to come from a reliable address with all the details of a known associate which makes it difficult to differentiate between a phishing email and a normal one.

Luckily there are often tell-tale signs to help identify a phishing email.

Always look out for an email with a generic greeting as well as one requesting personal information. If an email is coming unexpectedly from a known associate, it should be treated as suspicious until validated as genuine.

Tip Don’t open attachments or click links received via email or social media from unknown individuals or ones requesting you to update or verify your details.


Phishing attacks may lead to the accidental downloading of Malware – which is malicious software, written with the intent to do harm to data, devices or to people.

Attackers use malware to perform their actions – including by remote control – and to monetise the attack.

Examples include searching for and stealing confidential information such as usernames and passwords, internet banking credentials or installing further programs without your knowledge to extend their attack.

One particularly nasty form of malware is ransomware that takes over your computer, encrypts your data and then demands a ransom in order to release access to the computer and the data.

Tip - Update your security software, change passwords and back up data regularly. Store your backups offsite and offline. Ensure you have the ability to recover by testing re-installation from backup.


Phishing may also pass users details, passwords and other data to the attacker. A very common attack, that uses these details, allows the attacker to remotely connect to the e-mail system of a business.

Once connected, the attacker reads incoming and outgoing emails – when they see one that relates to the paying of funds they immediately send another email to the recipient explaining that they had made a mistake along with a request to send the funds to an alternate bank account which the attacker strips at their leisure.

Cybercrime can create issues for small business such as causing damage to their reputation, result in loss of assets and incur expenses to fix the damage caused.

These attacks could mean the difference between cutting a profit or going under.

Tip Keep your computer patched and up-to-date including with the latest anti-virus and anti-spyware software.


The good news is that these and other attacks can often be thwarted through the implementation of common sense processes, appropriately configured IT systems and a small number of security controls (something that increases your security posture).

For instance – it may be hard to avoid being infected by ransomware – but simple to offset the risk to your business.

Ensure that you keep regular backups of your key data, ensuring that at least one up-to-date backup is not connected to the environment – and is preferably off-site. Test the process from time to time and make sure that it continues to deliver.

Hijacking of mail accounts can often be offset by deploying multifactor / two factor authentication for all users – it is free these days through most cloud email offerings. Well configured, and patched systems are also important when defending against cyber-attacks.

Moving on from an attack and building up resilience for the organisation is a very important aspect for any small business to undertake.

An important element to this process is to develop a security centric culture. Implementing a security awareness program within your organisation could be the difference between a successful attack or avoiding an attack that would have resulted in data loss.

Train your staff to understand the potential threats to your business and industry as well as keeping data safe. Human error is the most common factor that leads to a successful attack.

Tip - Use safe behaviour online and always stay informed and updated on the latest threats.

In today's world, it’s not a case of ‘if’ your business will be hit, but more a case of ‘when’. By keeping your organisation prepared and allocating resources and funds in training your staff as well as implementing policies and procedures you will be on the right path with your cyber security.

Warding off cyber threats does require an investment of time and budget, but the impact to your business will be far less than dealing with the effects of a breach.

Murray Goldschmidt is the chief operating officer of Sense of Security.



Putting the ED into the RED Toolbox

THE REGIONAL Economic Development (RED) Toolbox has evolved to help business and all levels of government consider Australia’s most challenging economic issue: the future of work and jobs.

An offshoot of the RED Toolbox called the ‘ED Toolbox’ is being developed to muster intelligence and action around this crucial question – and it is designed to involve educators, colleges and schools in tandem with business leaders.

“This is a problem the entire world is facing and the ED Toolbox is designed to help Australia come to grips with it and develop collaborative solutions and pathways with the help of our platform,” RED Toolbox CEO John Sheridan said.  

“We have been researching and speaking about digital disruption and what it will mean to Australia’s economic development for more than 20 years and have developed these national collaboration platforms – first the Manufacturing Toolbox and now The RED Toolbox and its derivative the ED Toolbox – to help Australians navigate these challenges.

“These are digital platforms designed to help Australians work together to manage the challenges brought on by the digital revolution.”

Mr Sheridan said business and government remained largely bewildered – and in many cases fearful – of the growth and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) systems,  robotisation, the internet of things (IoT), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), blockchain, biometrics, mobile apps, remote sensing, three-dimensional (3D) printing, cyber-security, drones, nanotechnology, big data, cloud services, building information modelling (BIM), cryptocurrency, identity management, facial recognition and social media.

The huge digital organisations that are utilising and developing these systems – often at a pace too rapid for regulators – including Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Uber, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple are also a huge area of economic concern. Governments around the world are struggling with their impacts on communities, local businesses, legislation, tax receipts and  economies.

“These are giant problems that governments and the general public are only now starting to realise provide both threats and opportunities,” Mr Sheridan said. “The big question on everyone’s lips is, what does this mean for jobs and how will our economies adapt and develop?”


Mr Sheridan said The RED Toolbox was progressing steadily as a collaboration platform, but through discussions developing among its Groups certain issues were clearly taking precedence.

Various industry experts, business leaders and many educators were seeking a way of taking action in preparing young people to cope with a new employment paradigm, brought about by the digital revolution.

“So we started work on what we started calling the ‘ED Toolbox for schools’ a resource for students, teachers and parents – and Australia’s education leadership,” Mr Sheridan said. “The ED Toolbox is designed to deliver a wide spectrum of insights, facts and figures, dashboards, charts, tables, graphs, case studies and videos illustrating the technology impacts across all 19 industry sectors and 500 business categories.

“Technology delivers threats and opportunities, but its impacts vary widely for different business categories and industry sectors. With the right knowledge, students, parents and teachers can plan the future more effectively.”


The real value of taking this approach became obvious as The RED Toolbox concurrently began to embark on a series of presentations to help Australian government and business leaders understand the impacts of blockchain technology.

The events have been developed in alliance with Consensys, headed up globally by Joseph Lubin. ConsenSys is a leader in utilising Ethereum – which has its own crypto-currency – to develop blockchain solutions for managing large enterprises and projects.

The RED Toolbox has been conducting seminars in partnership with ConsenSys to assist government and business leaders to understand the value blockchain technologies can bring to them.

Discussions generated from those seminars have continued through the RED Toolbox groups, blog posts and comments.

The RED Toolbox-ConsenSys seminars have been presented in Australia by ConsenSys Global Solutions business strategy manager, Stephen Alexander, who has been a long-time RED Toolbox user and advocate. He advises governments around the world on the adoption of digital technologies for beneficial community results.

“The ConsenSys consulting arm helps governments, enterprises and NGOs (non-government organisations) across the globe to build, test, and deploy public and private blockchain solutions that capture the advantages and efficiencies of Ethereum-based systems,” Mr Alexander said.

“ConsenSys is a trusted blockchain advisor and implementation partner to Fortune 500 companies such P&G and Microsoft, as well as global government agencies such as the Smart Dubai Office, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum.

“It is so important that our government and business leaders – and our educators – understand the way blockchain is going to positively impact business and beyond.”

The RED Toolbox has already conducted seminars to explain blockchain and its applications to groups including the resources industry Growth Centres, several major councils, the Department of Agriculture and a major agricultural association.

“We discussed blockchain and its value in supply chains for asset tracking, preventing counterfeiting and how and where smart contracts fit into the larger supply chain picture,” Mr Sheridan said.

“We discussed blockchain and licensing, identity management, authentication, verification, biosecurity and smart contracts.

“We discussed blockchain and IP protection. We discussed blockchain and the citizen.

“We discussed blockchain and the needs of the citizen facing departments in state and local government.

“We discussed examples of how blockchain is being used by governments around the world for land registry, licensing, ID, supply chains, commerce and so on.

“We discussed control of destiny – and then we discussed immediate opportunities and next steps.

“We are now exploring the value of blockchain solutions to agriculture, defence industries, creative industries, indigenous business, medical and health, construction, disability services and aged care,” he said.

“In some meetings, as well as talking about blockchain, we also discussed the future of work and jobs. Though both subjects are not directly connected, they are high on the list of the ‘wicked problems and what to do about them’ that we now face across all regions and sectors in Australia today. And these subjects are important to the whole world

“Collaboration is the key to success, survival and sustainability,” Mr Sheridan said. “We have much to learn and we can all learn from each other – and that is where the RED Toolbox and the ED Toolbox come in.”


Frasers Hospitality goes mobile, paperless with Infor

FRASERS Hospitality, a global boutique lifestyle hotel operator, has boosted operational productivity by up to 80 percent and gained better decision-making insights since it deployed management systems on mobile devices across its Australian properties.

The digital transformation project began in 2015 with the deployment of Infor cloud solutions at Frasers Hospitality’s Brisbane property Capri by Fraser and has been extended across all of Fraser Hospitality’s Australian facilities in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

Frasers Hospitality Australia IT manager Howard Phung said the transition to the Infor HMS began as a reaction to customer expectations.

“Our Australian customers and staff were becoming more mobile and they expected seamless experiences across channels and devices, as well as access to integrated next-gen payment technologies,” Mr Phung said.

“We needed an integrated, agile and flexible platform to bring our employee- and customer-centric vision to life. 

“Our aim was to optimise check-in efficiency, eliminate paperwork, integrate next-gen payment platforms, and ensure a high level of personal data security as compliance requirements were growing,” Mr Phung said.

He said Frasers Hospitality’s previous systems experienced inefficiencies as the organisation was using separate platforms. This set-up did not allow seamless communication across channels and devices, sharing of information or integration with third-party systems.  


As seamless check-in was at the centre of attention for both staff and customers, Mr Phung said, Frasers Hospitality worked in collaboration with Infor to deploy the Infor Mobility solution “that would deliver an unparalleled experience”.

Mr Phung said he and his teams were conscious that all this had to take place in a seamless way in a complex regulatory environment.

“Security is a major concern in our industry, especially when it comes to managing mobile data and payments,” Mr Phung said.

“Using Infor solutions was instrumental in ensuring we were delivering mobile and payment features with a high level of security and data privacy, to comply with Australian and international regulations.”

Frasers Hospitality’S mobile solutions have resolved that issue, being fully compliant with the PCI, Mandatory Data Breaches Notification and upcoming General Date Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations.


Mr Phung said Infor’s business intelligence (BI) capability has enabled Frasers Hospitality to personalise and customise its customer-facing features at any point in time, depending on what each customer expects.

Pioneered in Australia, Frasers digital strategy is now being rolled out in China and the UK, where the Infor solutions have now also been implemented, he said.

“Our vision is to be 100 percent paperless by late 2019 and thanks to Infor, we are on the right track to achieve this and make our digital transformation permanent,” Mr Phung said. 

Using the power of rich data, he said Frasers Hospitality teams are able to build dashboards that can inform smart decision making in real-time, and create accurate forecast models, ultimately reducing operational and structural costs and delivering a better service to guests.

Infor Asia-Pacific vice-president for hospitality, Eric Wong said mobility, next-gen payments and compliance requirements were challenging many service-based industries.

“Frasers Hospitality is a great example of how using cloud-based mobile technologies and integrated platforms can help improve a business’ bottom line, improve staff and customers’ overall experience, while meeting data security and privacy compliance requirements,” Mr Wong said.


Frasers Hospitality staff have embraced the new systems, which have improved their working environments, as have customers, according to Mr Phung.

He said since its roll-out, the housekeeping app has helped improve operational productivity by 80 percent and staff no longer have to resort to heavy paper-based administrative processes.

“They can use mobile phones or tablets to organise daily activities and have all customer information sitting in the one platform,” Mr Phung said. “This means housekeeping staff are able to view all customer data, receive updates and manage all administrative and housekeeping requests in real-time.”

The new digital approach has has achieved a primary objective: speedier check-ins.

“Customers walking to a Frasers Hospitality property can check-in quickly at the tip of their fingers,” Mr Phung said.

He said with the integration of Infor E Reg Card solution, Frasers Hospitality Australia shifted to a digital registration card system, while the roll-out of HPP technology enabled the organisation to offer secure ‘click-to-pay’ link options to its clients, across all devices.

Now Frasers Hospitality offers Australian customers visiting its properties many integrated payment options, including Apple Pay and, in the near future, AliPay, PayPal and others to come.

Frasers Hospitality operates Capri by Fraser in Brisbane, Fraser Suites Perth, Fraser Place Melbourne and Fraser Suites Sydney. In 2014 Frasers Centrepoint Limited added the iconic Sofitel Sydney Wentworth, the city’s first international hotel and one of the most recognised five-star hotels in Australia, to its portfolio of assets,

Infor builds business software for hospitality and other specific industries in the cloud, operating in more than 170 countries.


SMEs must make the most of digital opportunities

SMALLER businesses that do not keep up with digital opportunities to connect with their target markets run a high risk of going under.

That is the view of  SponsoredlinX founder and CEO Ben Bradshaw whose company is now one of the foremost advisors on digital marketing techniques in Australia.

“I am still surprised at just how many small businesses consider their internet strategies to be separate from their business marketing strategy and, indeed their overall business plan,” Mr Bradshaw said. 

“Internet marketing does not exist separately to your other business lead generation and customer service models. It should co-exist and complement every other marketing exercise you do.”

SponsoredlinX has observed three clear digital trends for small-to-medium business owners to keep abreast of: voice search, machine learning and user-generated content.


When Siri became a fixture voice search and therefore voice search traffic exploded over the next few years, however the power and prevalence of both Alexa and Google Home have been surprising.

“It’s essentially changed the way people are looking for things online,” Mr Bradshaw said. “By 2020 it’s expected that half of all searches will be done verbally.

“The convenience of voice search mixed with the steady improvement of the tech makes it a key SEO factor for our SEO clients. This means pushing more long tail keywords as well as including FAQs to websites.

“Okay, Google, who’s the best digital marketing agency in the country?”


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has exploded in the last 12 months, integrating into most of our lives without us knowing, according to Mr Bradshaw.

“Just a quick recap, the term ‘AI’ refers to a device or software that involves computer intelligence,” he said. “This can include machine learning, chatbots and applied propensity models just to name a few.

“This technology has slipped into our world and very quickly become a necessity for various industries, including digital marketing. In fact, you’ve probably already interacted with AI in some form on a regular basis.

“AI is also becoming more and more prevalent in marketing, in fact half of marketers in Australia are using AI in some shape or form and a quarter plan to pilot it in the next two years.

“There’s a range of AI tech currently in the market that is effective for marketing across the customer service lifecycle. Be on the lookout for more brands embracing tools like chatbots to deliver better website experience, smart content curation or predictive customer service to name but a few.

“Big data is also becoming more accessible to the business of every size thanks to AI developments. There are plenty of advertising platforms and marketing outreach methods now allowing businesses to access big data about their customers- better allowing them to understand and target their audience.”


“We all crave authenticity from the brands we follow, and now businesses of all shapes and sizes can enjoy the benefits of user-generated content,” Mr Bradshaw said.

“User-generated content includes photos, videos, text or blogs created by a customer that mentions or includes information or opinions about a brand or product. It’s the digital equivalent of word of mouth marketing and is seen to be a brand endorsement from people just like themselves.

“You’ll find user-generated content most effective across social media, it’s a cost-effective and easy way to earn trust.

“User-generated content can even be applied to paid advertising and promotions with approvals. Polished advertisements are so 2017, by leveraging user-generated content and utilising it in native advertising, an audience is more likely to pay attention.”

Mr Bradshaw beleives there is a real risk small business leaders will find their brands, products and services will be left behind “if they don't get their act together”.

However, Mr Bradshaw goes acknowledged that there was a huge opportunity for small businesses to capitalise on technological innovation and provide that 'special something'.

"Small businesses need to focus on what's important for their customers in this new digital age, and offer that, together with personalised customer service," Mr Bradshaw said.                                                                                                            

According to research, following a website, consumers think social media is the next most important tech investment for small businesses.

"Ensuring small businesses have a good website and social media profile means they not only protect their customers, but gain further reach and opportunities for referrals, so they thrive for generations to come," Mr Bradshaw said.

"While small businesses have a way to go in adopting technology that meets consumer demand, I believe that Australians have a crucial part to play to ensure we have thriving small business communicates into the future.”


National collaboration on economic development? Take it as RED ...

THE REGIONAL Economic Development Toolbox – an online platform which has only gone live in 2017 and whose partners have already dubbed it the RED Toolbox – appears to be the game changer Australia needs to accelerate sustainable regional growth.

That may seem a bold statement for such a recent innovation, but it is winning that kind of endorsement from business leaders engaging with it now. 

The Regional Economic Development Toolbox is what it proclaims – a digital toolbox for the growth of Australian economies that all sorts of skilled people can dig in to, using its components to fix local problems and engineer for the future.

The RED Toolbox is a tool set, a knowledge library, a roundtable discussion venue, a business events resource, a news magazine, a blogspot for more than 100 invited business and academic experts – and something extra: a trade showcase for best-of-breed and innovative Australian products and services, designed to lift export opportunities.

It is looking like a genuine Australian national economic and business development collaboration platform … although what such a thing should look like is difficult to say, for nothing of its kind has ever been created before.

Australia’s RED Toolbox is, as far as Business Acumen can tell, something unique in the world.

It simply looks like what its creators – the Brisbane-based Digital Business insights (DBi) team and its growing list of collaborative partners –  have made it into.

Shaped by open-source software, much of it Australian, and engineered by DBi technical director Geoff Grantham, the RED Toolbox is the culmination of more than 15 years of research into Australian adoption of technology by business. It is underpinned by more than 50,000 company surveys and industry reports by DBi and 300 deep case studies on leading Australian businesses.

“The RED Toolbox has no fixed prescription other than fulfilling its purpose: to energise, equip and connect business development and, hence, job creation across Australia,” DBi CEO John Sheridan said.

It is something elastic and responsive to the real needs of Australia for regional economic development, because Mr Grantham and Mr Sheridan have designed it that way.

Now they are plugging in experts, business leaders, government departments, councils and knowledge brokers right across regional Australia, whose contributions are leading the platform in necessary new directions and giving it practical form. 

Foundation partners include Regional Development Australia, CSIRO, SEGRA, ACS, Outsource Institute of Technology, State Library of Queensland, Queensland Trade and Investment and media partner Business Acumen magazine. 

“As the RED Toolbox develops and more people come on board, particularly regional councils, there will be projects created and results from those projects that other regions around Australia will learn from and be able to adapt this knowledge for themselves,” Mr Sheridan said.

“What we have done, based on our research, is figured out what was missing in terms of connected economic development in Australia and provided a digital platform to present the tools and connect people in a way that has never been done before. At its most basic, I guess this is a business development resource that is made more powerful by the fact that it connects businesses that need something with other local and national businesses that can provide what they need.

“The custom of taking recommendations by mates more seriously is alive and well in Australia and this is like a digital meeting place for mates you may not have physically met yet, but whose recommendations you value and trust,” he said.

Elements of the RED Toolbox make it more than the sum of its parts – and there is more to come.


The RED Toolbox opens the lid on tools that connect business people around Australia to knowledge and networks that can accelerate business development.

The key toolbox compartments at this stage are the Showcase, Groups, Insights, Events & News and Projects. Mr Grantham said there is even more capability built in to the toolbox that will be turned on as it matures, determined by user feedback, including a unique meld of online learning platforms.

Some compartments in the RED Toolbox are able to be locked, for the benefit of specific subscriber and user groups, but most of the platform is open to view by the public. To open up some areas of the toolbox and participate, people must register – but it is free.

The platform is funded by its users who subscribe or partner depending on their level of involvement. Most businesses are drawn to a RED Toolbox subscription by the Showcase, which has a curated foundation of 5000 best-of-breed Australian companies drawn from DBi’s extensive research. Participation in the Showcase is free, but other paid subscription levels allow companies to upload more information, including images, audio and video.

The Showcase is being developed as a place where the world can find the best products and services Australia has to offer. Working with trade authorities such as Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) and Austrade, the Showcase provides a basis for creating tailored country-specific Showcases that will provide an international outreach platform linked to trade missions and international business events.

“The Showcase has already been used to solve problems for several businesses in Australia,” Mr Grantham said. “A Queensland pizza chain told us they used it to find a list of local cheese suppliers that they approached directly, when cheese prices were raised dramatically by a wholesaler in early 2017. They were able to secure supply at the right price and have built a relationship with the Victorian farm that has paid off for both parties.

“They did not even know of each other before. These are the kinds of outcomes I think we can expect to see regularly from the RED Toolbox.”


The Groups area is a series of flexible discussion rooms where business people, experts, academics, local councils and government departments can gather to outline and discuss issues and challenges. Some of these groups are invitation only, depending on the environment needed for frank discussion.

“This has been set up in this way because some projects, for example, may need to have a closed loop of people able to chat freely and securely,” Mr Sheridan said. “The ‘owner’ of each project area – which we expect to be mainly councils – decides how each project operates and can invite people into various groups associated with each project.”

Company partners and not-for-profit groups can create their own groups as both a gathering point and a communication platform for collaboration.

Government bodies who subscribe can create an unlimited number of groups and these may have set lifespans linked with the problems they are set up to solve, or the projects they are associated with.

“Groups work in a similar way to major social media platforms and most people will find familiar options available – Profile, Activity Timeline, Discussions, Files, Members, Feeds, Announcements and the ability to invite users from the RED Toolbox or invite people from other platforms, publish to other platforms, and keep members up to date by notifications on the platform and via email,” Mr Sheridan said.

“Anybody can sign up to the RED Toolbox and join groups, but only partners can create groups. Council, RDA and corporate partners can create many groups. Small business and not-for-profit partners can create one group per organisation.”

Mr Sheridan said groups were created under four headings: Sectors, Regions, Issues and Projects. Groups can be open, closed or invitation-only. Signed-up users can see and join open groups, and can ask to join closed groups.

Groups already exist for RDA Brisbane, Narangba Innovation Precinct, SEGRA, North Burnett Region, Geelong Regional Development, Assistive Technologies and the RDA’s Click! Digital and Business exhibition and conference.


The RED Toolbox Insights area is a platform for bloggers, expert authors, researchers, business leaders and industry advisers to share ideas and concerns. So far, about 120 blog authors have been invited and accepted onto the RED Toolbox, several of them international authorities on specific aspects of economic development.

Insights is currently organised into the key subject areas of Regions and Tourism, Future of Work and Jobs, Regions and Energy, Regional Projects and Ideas, Exporting Regions, Regions on the Move, Regions-The Big Picture and Adding Value By Design. 

“A key aspect of having these expert commentators involved is that we can direct their observations into the communication stream of specific groups and projects as a way of enhancing discussion and, hopefully, problem solving,” Mr Sheridan said. “Likewise, Groups and Projects and other participants in the toolbox can direct information or questions to these experts for comment.

“We think the sharing of these discussions, projects and proposals will help to supercharge activity throughout Australia. This just has to result in practical progress. I believe this is the first time something like this has been done anywhere in the world.

“The RED Toolbox introduces this joined-up approach and methodology, utilising the digital revolution in new and positive ways to benefit Australians. That is what we are all about.”


The Projects section of the RED Toolbox is where the rubber really hits the road.

“This is where communities or industries or even companies can gather to develop a project, opening it up for discussion – or even advice – and perhaps funding, to the rest of Australia,” Mr Sheridan said.

The first project on the site is the community-led North Stradbroke Island economic transformation program, which is being branded ‘Minjerribah Fresh’, adopted from the Indigenous placename for the island. It is regarded as a benchmark for other projects to come.

According to the project launch report, which also kicks off in the RED Toolbox Projects area, North Stradbroke Island is in economic transition with the closure of sand mining operations by 2019. This project is a community-led approach to re-setting the island’s economy for a sustainable and growing future through new agribusiness development which will also lead to new opportunities in tourism.

The Minjerribah Fresh project is underpinned by a structural change in organic waste management on the island, managed by Redland Shire Council, to develop community agribusiness projects.

“These projects will provide employment and create a new market for local produce that will enhance tourism and develop the island as a unique organic culinary destination,” the report noted. “As the project develops, local creative entrepreneurs are expected to emerge who will find new ways to add value.

“The creation of locally-branded food and beverage products are sure to emerge and it may be possible to cover-brand all such products from North Stradbroke Island as, for example, ‘Straddie Fresh’ or ‘Minjerribah Fresh’.”

The RED Toolbox Projects section will include news of projects – past and present – will track the development of projects from idea to completion, and provide a place for partners to collaborate and share. 

“Partners can suggest ideas for projects designed to help regions and communities,” Mr Sheridan said. “Ideas can be posted and partners can offer to contribute to a project in some way – experience, material, funding or project management.

“Once the project is supported it will be completed, with every stage of the project being documented and reported to partners expressing an interest in the project theme. Completed projects will be placed into a project library, which partners can access for their own region.”

The Projects will also be communicated to the broader Australian business market and internationally through Business Acumen magazine’s print and online resources.

The Events area of the RED Toolbox is also a revelation. It will effectively become the most comprehensive business events resource for Australia, with national and international events drawn from the reporting resources of Business Acumen magazine and, on top of that, the platform provides the capability for partners and business-level subscribers to promote and manage their own events through the calendar.

These can range from national and international exhibitions and conferences to internal business events to project meetings, Mr Sheridan said.

“Again, this is something that has never been done before, anywhere in the world, in a joined-up way, as far as we can find,” he said.

“Talking about collaboration and working together, and doing it are different things. There are lots of words and discussions … but little action. That is why we built the RED Toolbox.

“It is a platform for discussion. A platform for action. A platform for collaboration. A platform for joined up thinking. A platform to support productive industries.

“The RED Toolbox is the kind of economic game changer that Australia really needs right now.”


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