We’re excited to announce that Antler’s second Sydney Demo Day will take place on Thursday, June 25 at 7.30pm AEST, and it's going to be virtual.
We’d love for you to join us!
From 1,200 applications, we selected 80 founders, which formed 28 teams.
12 received our investment.
These startups span: FinTech, SaaS, GreenTech, DeepTech, HealthTech, and more.
Antler is focused on helping chart the path to recovery from the Covid pandemic.
We are searching for solutions to problems created by this crisis and will continue to invest in early stage companies that can help lift us out of the crisis.
We believe in the tech sector’s capacity to drive economic and jobs growth in this country.
We are here to work with the Australian tech community to help recharge the economy.
Direct to your desktop. Rewired & re-routed, up close & personal.
This is Demo Day, just not as you know it.